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Brick Paving


Brick Paving

At Forge Paving Centre, we have the perfect paving brick for every requirement. We stock a wide range of finishes including smooth, shot-blasted and, antique as well as a variety of options in terms of the edging. We also carry a wide variety of textures and colours to suit different house or property styles.

Talk to Eamon in Forge Paving Centre today on (087) 264 2860 for further details.


Our Brick Paving Range

All natural stone products are subject to variations in colour, these variations cannot be controlled or the precise shade of colour in the stone guaranteed. Therefore all displays and pictures are intended as guides only. All paving slabs are susceptible to weathering. Minimal fading will occur and possibly the appearance of algae. To maintain your paving slabs power wash several times throughout the year.

Forge Paving Centre recommends a natural stone sealer to help protect against the affects of weathering.

Let’s talk !

Call Eamon on (087) 264 2860 or email:

Directions to Forge Paving Centre